Monday, December 29, 2008


We certainly didn't intend on having a family photo with Santa. We were at Sam's Club one day and the girl told us to stop and see Santa. We thought he was just there visiting, but he actually was there for pictures and the whole Santa visit deal. It was very low key and not quite as intimidating as the mall Santa, plus we didn't have to wait in line. Elise was interested in him, but would not sit next to him. We passed on pictures that day because we wanted Mallory to have her picture with him too, but she was sleeping. Elise talked about Santa all week- "He brings candy, chocolate chips, and Christmas". We took her back to see him and thought she would be comfortable sitting with him this time since he gave her candy. No- she wanted to see him, but would only get a picture if mommy and daddy were with her. She kept saying, "Santa not gonna touch me". The picture is much better than last year (where she is screaming and trying to escape).
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