My very last pregnant moment- taken right before my water was broken

The only tub picture that was "postable"

Giving the sign that everything is "O.K"

Snuggling with Daddy after her bath
I had my OB appt that morning and saw a different midwife than I normally do. I was 41 + 4 weeks and still feeling pretty good, but definitely ready to have the baby. My nonstress tests were reactive and baby was happy as a lark, showing no signs that it was ready to come. Lisa proposed the idea of having me come to Family Beginnings and just let her break my water and she was sure that would get things started. Since I was group B strep negative, she would let me go 2 days being ruptured before I would have to get Pitocin if I didn't go into labor on my own. I figured I was pretty much facing an induction anyway, so why not give it the old college try.
Someone showed up to Family Beginnings in labor right before we were supposed to come in, so I lost my room (boo), but then someone delivered and offered to give up her room (yay) so we were still on. By the way, I am forever grateful to that person! Lisa broke my water at 8:35 p.m. and contractions started immediately. I walked for a little bit then hopped in the tub and Lane was born at 10:11 p.m.! It was such a great delivery and I can't say enough good things about our experience.
We were surprised by the head of dark hair! She is a really good baby and couldn't be any more adorable! Her sisters are so in love with her- Elise tells me, "She is soooo cuuute" and Mallory calls her, "My baby". It melts my heart to see them together. Brian said that he knew all along it would be a girl and we wouldn't have it any other way!
You can view her hospital photos at bellababyphotography.com (password is 0419lane).
Love your story and love the pictures. You all look great and can't wait to meet her. I will call you soon I promise.
Congratulations!! I didn't even know you were pregnant!!
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