Pre-piercing smiles (is that boy in the background checking her out?!)
Post piercing drama
Pre piercing smiles
Showing off the new bling
A train ride made it all better:)
Reilley got her ears pierced and Elise quickly decided she wanted to get hers done too. Of course that meant Mal wanted hers done too. I was very honest with the girls about it being a bit painful, but they still insisted. Elise freaked out when they pierced hers and I expected Mal to back out. I told her we would do it when she was older. She hopped right in the chair and told me that she was going to be brave because she has big muscles from eating her veggies. She was all smiles and then she freaked out too. The cutest thing was that Elise was more upset about Mallory than herself. She hid because she didn't want to see or hear her sister cry. After lots of drama, they took a train ride and the pain magically went away.