Saturday, October 11, 2008

Little Buddies

Elise loves to play with the little neighbor girl Olivia. Elise likes Olivia because she is older and just thinks she is so cool . Olivia likes Elise because she is younger and listens to her. They play great together and anytime Elise sees Olivia outside she says, "Hey, there my friend Owibia!"
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Goofy Little Girl

Elise and Mommy playing "babies"
Elise is quite a character lately. She was singing along with the radio in my car the other day and it made me realize that she is such a big girl. She is very opinionated about what we listen to in the car too. If a song comes on that she doesn't like she says, "How bout this one" which means find another one. Sometimes when I sing she says, "No sing mama" (and I can't blame her for that isn't pretty). Everything is "cool" or "awesome" right now. The other day she put her fingers over my mouth and said. "No mama, you need to use your inside voice!". It seems like she is 2 going on 13!
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Great Grandpa and Grandma just loved holding Mallory. Great Grandma kept squeezing her and kissing her- it was so cute.
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Great Aunt Sandy and Uncle Don

Aunt Sandy and Uncle Don came for a visit from Buffalo and finally got to meet Mallory. Elise really enjoyed spending time with them as well, but it is virtually impossible to get a picture of that girl sometimes!
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Young's Dairy Fall Festival

Elise and Mommy on the tractor for the farm tour

Elise and Daddy on the "Movers N Shakers" Train

Elise LOVES pony rides!

Elise playing in the corn pit- an odd attraction, but she loved it!
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