I got a little overwhelmed with Facebook & neglected my poor little blog....no posts in 3 months! This blog has served as my baby book for both girls, so on we go!
Mal was 18 months on December 2nd! She went through a really rough period of sleeplessness & fussiness (actually she was down right mean). I was so taken aback by it because she had been such an easy going baby. Thankfully she is over that & I have my sweet girl back!!!
Mallory doesn't talk a lot. She can, but chooses to just point at everything & shake her head yes. Her newest words are blueberry (she can eat a whole quart at one sitting) & thank you. She signs a lot & just melts my heart when she signs "love mama"! She gets so excited over everything & at least 1o times a day we hear, "OOOOOOHHHH, What is dat?!"
She is long & lean- at her checkup she weighed 20lbs, 15 0z & was 33.25 inches long. Our motto for her is "monkey see, monkey do" because she mimics everything & everyone- especially Elise!
The girl dances her heart out & is just as silly as can be. Her favorite things are her sister & Wyatt, both of whom she harasses to no end!