Lane is officially mobile, so getting her to lay on a blanket for pictures is really hard! She was 14lb 14 oz at her checkup. She is doing the inchworm and sitting up on her own! She loves her cereal, but gags with every food we have tried. So far she has had peas, carrots, green beans, and sweet potatoes. She loves playing and is in to everything. The big girls are having fun interacting more with her and she enjoys sitting up and playing with them. She says nana and dada. She grabs my face when she wants me to pick her up and is starting to get mad when we walk away from her. I can't believe she is 6 months old- we just love her more than words can say and have requested that she stop growing up so fast!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Fall Fun Day 10/16/11
We had our annual fall fun day. Perfect weather for a trip to the pumpkin barn and then back to our house for dinner and pumpkin decorating.
Zoo 10/9/11
We took the girls to "Hall-Zoo-Ween" at the zoo. We had perfect weather and they were so good. Lane is such a good baby- we call her "Baby on the go". She just hangs out in the carrier and goes with the flow.
Foys 10/8/11
We love going to downtown Fairborn to all of the Foy's festivities. Awww....Lane's first visit to see the puking monsters:)
1st Cereal 9/25/11
Lane enjoyed her first cereal and the big girls loved feeding her. When she was done Mal asked if she could try it. I told her it was made with breast milk and thought she would say never mind, but the little stinker polished it off!
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