Unbelievable... my little baby is one today! I just can't believe how fast this year has gone. Mallory continues to be such a wonderful baby. She is so content- she just walks around and smiles and giggles and jabbers. She points at everything and says, "Dat?" She says 'night night', 'Wyatt', 'Teddy', and 'thank you'. She loves to eat and loves to dance. It has been so much fun watching her grow and change. I always look at Mallory and know that God gave me such a good baby for a reason. She is just the sweetest little thing and as I rocked her to bed tonight, I realized that she is just as snuggly and lovey as the day she was born. Hopefully she will stay that way, and hopefully she will forgive us for the nickname (she was dubbed Mallory Moo very early on when she nursed nonstop)!
At her 1 yr checkup, Mallory weighed 18 lb, 10 0z (10%) and was 29 3/4 in (75%). She is a skinny little thing like her sister. We know it is not from lack of eating, but probably due to the fact that she is always on the go!