Friday, September 06, 2013

Disney Day 1- Hollywood Studios 5/13

 We enjoyed this park a lot.  It was perfect for the first day after traveling all morning.

 Toy Story Mania was the longest line the whole trip (out of Fast Passes by the time we got there).  Elise thought the line was the ride:)

 I told Mal that I saw her eyes twinkling when we watched this show.  Every time she saw a princess she said, "Mom, my eyes were trinklin."

 Elise loved the Star Wars ride.  We took advantage of the parent swap for it.

Laney crashed on the bus back to the hotel

Off to Disney World 5/13

We did a scavenger hunt and had Minnie Mouse hidden all over holding the next clue.  Mal was supposed to find the Minnie and Elise was supposed to read the clue- of course that turned into the girls fighting and me yelling.  The last clue led them to look in the drawer where their shirts were and they were supposed to look at them and guess where they were going.  They were like, "Disney?"  Brian and I were expecting this tear jerking moment and as we are recording we said "Yes!!! We're going to DISNEY!"  Mallory said, "Awww, I thought you were going to take us skating." Elise said, "Do you have anything else fun planned?"  They totally didn't understand what going to Disney meant.  Once we explained it, they were super excited.  

We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside.  It was a great hotel and the upgrade to a princess room was so worth it!  The attention to detail was amazing.