Mallory Moo is 15 months old today- WOW! It is so different with the 2nd one... when Elise was this age I thought she was so grown up and we were starting to plan #2. Now Mallory still seems so young and there is not a single spark inside me that wants a #3 anytime soon!!!
Mal is a joy to have. She has a great personality- still pretty laid back, but now has a little red-head temper sometimes. She LOVES her big sister, is obsessed with getting up on the furniture, and has added a few more words to her vocab. She has gotten very tall and skinny- she weighed 20 lb, 7 oz (12%) & was 31 in (75%). Here are a few things that I love about her at this age:
#10 The way she throws her hands up in a fit of rage and walks around until she finds something to bang them on- scared of that!
#9 The way she runs all crooked and lopsided, swinging her arms and looking back to see if you are coming to get her
#8 How she tries to steal everything from Elise and does a great job filling the role of the pesky little sister
#7 How she gets her little feelings hurt if you tell her no or yell at her. She looks down at the ground and then gives you the cutest pouty face
#6 Her love for animals. She gets so excited and can hardly speak when she sees a dog. Thankfully Wyatt is a very gentle giant and tolerates her obsession with him.
#5 Her adorable chicken fuzz hairdo... it is starting to look like Kate Gosselin's do the way it sticks up in the back :)
#4 How she absolutely hates the car seat, but calms instantly when we blare "Poker Face". Both girls will instantly start bobbing their heads and moving their arms- it reminds me of a SNL skit.
#3 Her silly little grin with just a couple teeth
#2 That she catches on to everything so quickly and loves to mimic everyone
#1 That she is the easiest child to put to bed, but I take my sweet time because she lets me cuddle her. I savor it because I know she won't be little forever!
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