Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Decorating the Tree 12/11

Date Night

Brian and I went to my work Christmas Party last weekend.  It was our first night out since we had Lane!!! The girls did had a blast at Sydney and Shelby's, but then we had blankie drama and over-tired drama when we got them home.  Little Lane was the one I was most worried about, but she came home and went right back to sleep!

Santa Paws 12/11

We took our annual trip to the pet shelter to make a donation and visit the animals.  The girls were in love!

Baking Cookies

Nothing like baking cookies at 6 am!

Elise's Christmas Program 2011

Elise's class did a cute little skit where they each held up a letter and said what it was for.  Elise was "E for Evergreen- a place where children grow".  They also did some bell-ringing which went amazingly well on the Wednesday program, but not so much on the Thursday program.  

Mallory Christmas Program 2011

Mallory's class sang Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.  It was very cute.  Mallory is very pouty in the last pic because she wanted to leave with me.  In fact, she ran off stage crying when she saw me because she didn't want me to go back to work.  Everyone thought is was so cute/funny- only because it wasn't their kid!

Santa 2011

We got to visit Santa at Kodak's Christmas party.  Mallory was not a fan at all, but she agreed to stand by the wreath on the other side of the room for a picture!

Our Elf On The Shelf

We have been having so much fun doing this.  Elise is so excited every morning to see where Elfie is!

Thanksgiving 2011

Lane 7 Months Old

I'm over a month late on the 7 month post-oops!  As you can see from the above pics, Lane hates to be stationary.  It was torturing her to get her try to get her pic laying on a blanket.  7 months was a fun month.  She started babbling, clapping, dancing, and cruising more.   She started crawling and exploring more, but still always comes back to climb on us.  She really started eating more- she is like a little bottomless pit and is looking a bit chunky!  She tried a sippy cup and she also had her 2 bottom teeth barely poke out.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Photo Shoot 10/11

We had perfect weather for a fall photo shoot and Melissa did a great job capturing each of the girls' personalities!