Hello! Welcome to our site. We will be using this site to update everyone about our beautiful girls- Elise, Mallory, & Lane and everything else going on in our lives.
I wanted to get a picture of the girls in their little Valentine's Day outfits. Sounds easy right? I have the most uncooperative-with-picture-taking-children ever-see for yourself.... Typical shenanigans. At least they love each other!
Elise picks her quiet activity before bedtime. Lately she has been choosing to do crafts. We make collages, Valentines, macaroni art- you name it. She is such a little artist and even calls herself "DaBinci".
Quite frankly, I'm sick of the white stuff. Elise and Mallory on the other hand would love to have it year round! We finally found a small hill in the neighborhood that is suitable for sledding. What you don't see in the pictures is that it is a hill that leads to the pond. I was standing at the bottom of the hill to prevent them from going into the pond (and to take a picture of course). I'm sure my neighbors thought we were nuts & perhaps they should report us. It was so worth it to hear the girls giggle the way they did!
Brian loves staying at home with the girls. He is constantly taking them on little adventures. I think the girls really like spending so much time with Daddy!
Lisa & I were finally able to get the girls together. Kendra and Mallory did their own thing & Elise and Corinne played dress up. Even Wyatt was in on the fun!
For Christmas this year, my mom got each family a gift certificate to Great Wolf Lodge. I took some time off before starting my new job, so we used the opportunity to go on a little get away. We had a great time- swimming, story time, the arcade...I was even able to hit the gym while we were there. The lodge is amazing and it was very family oriented. We can't wait to go back!