I decided to try preschool with Elise- very part-time. She is going to go 1 day a week from 9-11:30. I am fortunate that I get to stay home with the girls on Mon/Wed/Fri, so I didn't want to ship her off all of those days. Besides, Elise does things on her terms and I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out.
Before bed last night I asked her if she was excited about starting preschool, and she said "But I'm sorry Mom, I'm just starting high school"! I woke up early and I had butterflies (I mean, come on- it's just preschool I know, but this is big stuff for us)! I made heart shaped pancakes and Brian stayed to have breakfast with us. I let Elise pick out her own clothes and to my surprise the tomboy picked out a polka dot dress and she even let me do her hair. We packed up her "very own special backpack" and were right on time.
Elise was a little uneasy about me leaving her there, but she walked in and was greeted by Ms. Missy who took care of her as a baby. They checked out the bunnies and iguana and headed to the class. Elise met her teacher and fussed for just a minute. She gave me a kiss and walked over to check out the fish and then wouldn't even look back to tell my goodbye!!!! So much for me telling them a hundred times that she has really bad separation anxiety.
I enjoyed having some one on one time with Mallory. We went running at the park and then went to the grocery. I even had time to come home and put groceries away and swiffer the floors! I checked my cell phone a million times, but never got a call from school. We went to pick her up and she was playing so well. They said she did great and didn't even ask about me!
For a treat I let her have a lunchable for lunch (disgusting I know), which she thought was the coolest thing because "it's just like Erica's lunch". We made cupcakes, she took a wonderful nap, and then asked if she could go back to school! That little stinker just melts my heart!!!!